Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ancient Egypt - Genesis and Exodus

The first connection that jumps out of the pages of the Story of the World is in Chapter six. Your pace will depend on how in depth you desire to study the scriptures. My oldest is almost ten, but we still used the Institute manuals to better understand the scriptures. Even the six year old picked up quite a bit from the manuals!

Genesis Chapter 11 covers Abram leaving Ur and settling Haran - just like the story in Story of the World chapter 6. So if you desire to read in Genesis leading up to this point you might want to start Genesis 1 on the first day of history. We continued reading in the Old Testament everyday even though we only did History twice a week. That way we stayed close with what we were studying.

Chapter 6 in the Story of the World also covers Joseph who was sold into Egypt. This does not come into Genesis until chapter 37. So again - you will have to decide if you want to read everything or if you want to stick closer to history lesson.

From chapter 37 we continued to read the Old Testament every school day until we finished Ancient Egypt. We did a rather thorough study of the Ten Commandments and that marked the end of our Ancient Egypt study.

The Story of the World chapter 14 covers Moses. This is when we moved into Exodus. It was exciting to the kids to actually see on a map (I got a collection of maps that are dry erase friendly from Geography Matters which includes a map of Ancient civilizations - great investment!), then see it in their study of history AND the scriptures. It truly makes it more real and memorable.

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