Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Early Greeks - switch to the Book of Mormon

Chapter 19 in the Story of the World covers the Early Greeks and the Greek "Dark Ages". In this section it talks of the "barbarians" who invaded the early Greeks - those that attacked from the north were the Dorians and the "sea-people" who attacked from the Mediterranean Sea. Some of these "sea-people" settled in Canaan and became the Philistines (remember David and Goliath - 1 Samuel)!

The Greek "Dark Ages" ended around 700 B.C., so we have moved back into the Book of Mormon. We skipped the title page and testimonies this time and dove into 1 Nephi 1. This is the beginning of Nephi's record which he began about 600 B.C. Now that we have a historical map showing where Jerusalem, Canaan and Egypt - it excites the children to "see" where these events in history (and scriptures) take place.

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