Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Story of the World

I have always dreamed of a history curriculum that would show history coupled with scripture. Now there are sources out there, but they are expensive or not quite the LDS perspective that I have desired. So I have discovered Susan Wise Bauer's Story of the World. I have started Volume 1: Ancient Times with my children and they love it! So do I. The chapters are brief, but informative and my favorite part is the dates listed at the end - which helps me base history on what I know of the scriptures.

So the first section is a study of Ancient Egypt. Chapter six begins talking about Abraham and Isaac and then Jacob and Joseph who was sold into Egpyt. These books also come with test booklets and an activity book packed full of activities and maps. The maps and timeline help me (a mostly visual learner) put the pieces together. In fact, I have found a love for history that I never felt before. If only I could have learned history this way.

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